This Facilitation and Activity Guide is a companion to the book The Student EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Academic and Personal Success. It offers faculty and facilitators a hands on resource for helping students reach their potential by tapping into the power of emotional intelligence.
The Facilitation Guide includes exercises and activities which are designed to help students develop confidence, independence, the ability to set and meet goals, impulse control, social responsibility, problem solving skills, stress tolerance, and much moreall of which help improve academic success.
The Guide also contains a wealth of illustrative case studies, questions for student reflection, movie selections and TV shows that illustrate emotional intelligence, and a self development plan.
The single best resource on emotional intelligence in student affairs, The Student EQ Edge: Student Workbook and Facilitation and Activity Guide are well organized, creative, and offer everything an emotional intelligence facilitator would need in a fast-paced student affairs environment.
The examples are soundly constructed and resonate with students. These materials are my go to resources.Candice Johnston, associate director of student leadership and organizations, Wake Forest University If I were building a new course to improve student success, it would be founded on emotional intelligence.
All the instruction in the world on study skills cannot touch the advantages that come to students who are able to manage their emotional intelligence. And the best news of all is that these skills can be taught. EQ skills make the difference. Randy L. Swing, executive director, Association for Institutional Research
This Facilitation and Activity Guide is particularly useful, offering options from which the facilitator can draw in preparing assignments or learning community meetings. The focus on learners’ needs, and particularly an authentic exploration of self and purpose, is practical yet has the potential to draw students to a deeper understanding of self that will draw them to high performance and contribution to others. Dennis Roberts, assistant vice president for faculty and student services for the Qatar Foundation
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